Highest viewership on . The coverage of the story dropped significantly after reaching 10,000 subscribers. People exit a video story more frequently than the first frame of it. Publishing multiple stories increases reach. It's best to publish frames or more in a story. Accounts that can reply to stories have higher coverage than accounts that can't. The second card in the story has the lowest probability of interaction (jump backward, jump forward, exit.
Stories have an average reach of less than 1,000 followers, and last database accounts with a similar reach of about 100,000 followers. Coverage from within. Additionally, the more subscribers an account has, the lower this ratio will be. Stories were watched by viewers on accounts with 10,000 subscribers compared to only 10,000 viewers on accounts with 10,000+ subscribers. The force-average coverage of a story. The number of impressions depends on the number of stories.
The number of impressions depends on the number of individual stories. evel. The filtering rate for stories within the average number of cards is 1. The year-on-year number of screenings indicator increases with story length. Exit % based on views based on number of stories The more stories a user views the lower the chance of exiting. After the exit ratio is reached on the 1st story (a separate card) and then no longer reduced to the.