GOOGLE ANALYTICS HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY? JANUARY , ANALYTICS , INBOUND MARKETING BE THE ST TO COMMENT Wondering how to use Google Analytics? This is a positive point since analysis is the key to a successful marketing strategy. But be careful not to get lost. Google Analytics is a neverending pit of numbers. Here are all the things you need to know to get started with Google Analytics. I remember the first time I logged into Google Analytics. It was in , a spring morning! I see myself again, behind my computer, trying to understand what I saw.
A few days later, I took training with a professional. I put quotes because in fact, he was Albania WhatsApp Number just as lost as I was All this to say that using Google Analytics is not easy. To help you get started with Google Analytics, here are the answers to the questions you are certainly asking yourself if you have gotten this far. I will try to write the article that I would have liked to read when I started using Google Analytics Summary of this article Why use Google Analytics? What analyzes can be carried out with Google Analytics? How to set up Google Analytics?
Which indicators should you monitor as a priority on Google Analytics? Why use Google Analytics? Since it can be complex to get started, it is important to understand why you should use Google Analytics. Otherwise, you will quickly give up. So why use Google Analytics? Google Analytics allows you to analyze in real time the performance of your digital marketing actions on all aspects that affect your website traffic. To put it simply, by using Google Analytics, you can understand where your visitors come from, what pages they visit and which pages allow you to convert them into leads and then customers . Clearly, using Google Analytics should allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses to transform your visitors into customers.