Unpaid invoices both sales and purchases. This means that neither revenue nor ta-ductible costs to which the provisions on bad debt relief apply are ruc. Other variables affecting the annual health insurance contribution base: The basis for calculating the health insurance contribution includes: revenues benefiting from income ta eemption under the relief: for working seniors back for families . revenues from business activities conduct in a special economic zone and from the implementation of a new investment specifi in the decision on support referr to in the Act on supporting new investments.
Inventory differences The basis for calculating the health insurance contribution takes into account inventory differences. Income for is not increas if the final inventory is higher than the initial inventory Plan contributions for health insurance in a flat ta up to the limits if they are in ta ductible costs ruce the income to calculate the health philippines photo editor contribution Depreciation which was includ in ta-ductible costs until the end of of a fi asset for the purposes of settling the health insurance premium.
Sale of a fixed asset and the basis for calculating health insurance contributions Małgorzata Jagusiak - accountant March , Update: October , Blog , Taxes , Own business Are you wondering whether you will pay health insurance premiums by selling the product? In today's article we will write about this topic. Sale of fixed asset health insurance premium - issues discussed: Paid disposal of an asset - taxation in PIT Paid disposal of a fixed asset and health insurance premium Sale of a fixed asset and the basis for calculating health insurance contributions.